Escaping the Abyss


Chains and bottles of liquids are scattered across the dark room. If your hearing is sharp enough, you can hear screams echoing throughout the building.“Will I always be alone and remain caged in this hell?”–––Dark clouds gather around the city, a mastermind in the shadows giving rise to turmoil and doubts. Blood and pain filling the streets.
Mysteries arise that need to be solved.
Cal, a young investigator joins the Conciliators, an organization that fights against crimes with...unusual methods. While rising to the occasion of his new occupation, he gets assigned to team up with a man that has a quite unpleasant attitude.“I won’t take responsibility for that, not again!”Tormented by the past, Sigal pursues a path of solitude until he is forced to team up with Cal to solve crimes. Regardless of their clashing personas, the two have to overcome their conflicts to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead and uncover the truth.“I won’t give up!”Blood splattered on the ground, while laughter in the distance can be heard. As Cal wakes up, he finds himself in a warm embrace.

Escaping the Abyss


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Libero justo

Sed faucibus

Eu bibendum neque egestas congue quisque nunc massa enim. Tempor orci dapibus ultrices. Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim lorem ullamcorper dolore.

Amet rhoncus

Orci lorem

Nullam et orci eu lorem consequat tincidunt vivamus et sagittis magna sed nunc rhoncus condimentum sem. In efficitur ligula tate urna.

Tortor pretium


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